Have you recently begun your entrepreneurial journey?
At first, starting your own business is great. You have a rush of ideas, endless inspiration, and a consistent desire to get out there and prove yourself.
However, as any entrepreneur soon learns, running a business isn’t all profits and launch parties.
Without an employer, you’re free to pursue the career of your dreams. However, self-employment also means that there’s no guarantee of a steady income (or success).
The good news is that there are tons of entrepreneurs out there who have weathered the tough patches and come out stronger. If you’re facing a bit of a rough patch right now, and your motivation levels have taken a hit, here are a few ways you can get back on track.
1. Set Regular Goals
When you started your company, you probably had a few goals in mind. You likely know where you want your brand to be within five years and what kind of revenue you want to achieve.
But remember that it’s not just your business that needs goals to work towards.
As an entrepreneur, it’s beneficial to set some unique objectives that are just for you.
For instance, maybe you want to ensure that you have a livable income within the next two years. Perhaps you want to build a network of great people in the next year that can help you uncover new opportunities for your future.
Set goals for yourself, and ensure that they’re specific, measurable, and attainable.
2. Network with Peers
Being an entrepreneur is a wonderful experience, but it can also feel isolating.
Unless you happen to know a bunch of other business owners, it’s difficult to find someone to speak to who knows what you’re going through.
Networking with other entrepreneurs in your area helps you to build a support network of people who genuinely understand the ups and downs you’ve been going through.
You don’t have to network in-person to begin with if you’re nervous. Start by joining groups on social media, visiting forums, and reaching out through LinkedIn. Eventually, you can get involved in some more intimate networking experiences, even if you just attend virtual events.
3. Follow a Routine
Being your own boss gives you a lot of freedom. There’s no one to tell you when you have to work, and no specific schedule that you need to adhere to (unless your clients have specific requests).
Unfortunately, a lack of structure can make it harder to maintain motivation.
Without a routine, you might work longer hours than you can reasonably manage when you’re feeling inspired, then struggle to work at all when you’re in a lower mood.
If nothing else, start your day at the same time every morning, with a series of tasks that will help to prepare you for the day. For example, maybe you can write out a to-do list, have a run, and shower every morning.
4. Look After Yourself
You don’t need to look far to find stories of burnout in the world of entrepreneurs. When you start your own business, you can often expect to work much longer hours than you would in a traditional job. You’re constantly working on finding new sales opportunities, making valuable connections, and planning your next growth stage.
It’s easy to forget that you’re just a human being, and you need rest too. Around 8% of entrepreneurs are overwhelmed by burnout each year.
You can accomplish amazing things when you’re physically and emotionally healthy. That means it’s important to give yourself some relaxation time between periods of work and spend time with your loved ones.
Get a good night’s rest each night and exercise when you can. Also, keep in mind the power of a nutritional diet too.
5. Reward Yourself
Finally, if you needed to motivate the employees on your teams, how would you show them that they’re doing a good job? Most successful businesses use rewards and recognition to keep employees performing at their best and demonstrate appreciation.
However, when you’re running your own company, it’s easy to forget that you should be rewarding yourself too. There’s no-one else looking over your shoulder who can give you a pat on the back when you deserve it.
Pay attention to the progress you’re making in your company and reward yourself for your achievements – small or large. A reward could be something as simple as going out for drinks with friends after a good week or having dinner at a nice restaurant.
Get Motivated and Stay That Way
Entrepreneurs are constantly battling with the unpredictable ups and downs of business. In a world where you could be on top one day and struggling the next, it’s easy to lose track of your motivation. Fortunately, the tips above should help you to maintain your motivation. Remember, you’ve got this!